The sunglasses babes...Oink oink!
The population of Chong Khneas consists of mostly Vietnamese. These Vietnamese do not have passports (information supplied by captain). They are very poor people.
The population of Chong Khneas consists of mostly Vietnamese. These Vietnamese do not have passports (information supplied by captain). They are very poor people.
This boy keeps asking for US$1 from me.
This is a floating church for the residents of Chong Khneas.
These children have to row their way to school.
This is the school. In order to visit the school, you need to have something to give these children. The captain of the boat suggest that we buy books and pencils for the children. We bought 10 sets of notebook and pencils cost US$10. Wha liao, so expensive. We could have gotten much more with that money if bought from Popular. If there's a chance to be back again, I will come prepared.
These children are buying desserts from the auntie from the boat. I have wanted to try but seeing the way she washes the bowls, I've decided to give it a miss. The auntie dips the bowls into the murky river and considers that clean...
Not for the weak stomach.
The class is waiting for class to start. The teacher doesn't even know how to speak English. I just leave the notebooks and pencils with the teacher and proceed to take pictures of the children.
After Chong Khneas, we proceed for another 1hr boat ride to Kampung Phluk. This time round at Chong Khneas, we did not see the begger children rowing in their tub, asking money from tourists. I am a little disappointed but at the same time happy that the children need not do this anymore. I wonder if I played a part to help in the economy of this little village. Hopefully, the other visitors after me will never get a chance to see the scene.