After Ta Keo, we board Songpiak's tuk tuk and head to the famous Ta Prohm, the filming location of Angeline Jolie's TOMB RAIDER. Ta Prohm was built within the jungle so we have to do a short trek of 10min before we can see it.

No matter how majestic Ta Prohm used to be, it cannot avoid being destroyed by something greater; nature.

The roots of huge trees wrap around the building, destroying it and at the same time supporting it. Building and tree are now interdependent.

Almost all the trees are of this size.

Restoration work has began a few years back and proper bridges were built to ease the trouble for visitors. However this bridge is hardly used. Visitors prefer the uneven road beside it than climbing stairs. We have come a long way.

This is the side of the temple. The core cannot be reached as a huge restoration work is going on. But the peripheral is good enough to blow our mind away.

Always wanted to take a picture of a temple with monks. Thank God for the opportunity.

"Angelina" and "Jolie" are tired.

This caption is for the pictures below: 为了弥补过去所办不到的,Kaiyi决定在这里跳个够本。像不像小丑?